Hyundai N Club Track Day Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions – Indemnity & bookings
Trackschool customers need to be aware that, depending upon their booking, they may be required to read terms and conditions IN ADDITION TO the Trackschool terms and conditions on this page.
Additional terms and conditions may need to be read for the track hosting the event and the relevant licencing body. For full details:
The legal entity carrying on business under this website is hereunder referred to as “the business”. “Events” refer to driving experiences organised by the business.
Please read the following terms before booking an Event. By accessing or visiting this website, you agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not wish to be bound, you must not access or visit this website.
The business includes associated entities, related companies and all principals, directors, employees, staff, contractors and agents of all of them.
These Terms and Conditions apply to all Events booked through the business’s website, booked by phone or otherwise.
For the purposes of these Terms “customer” means any person over eighteen (18) years of age who participates in an Event and/ or who has paid for such participation and/or a person who has made a booking or utilised a gift voucher code to make a booking, in respect of such participation and/or a guest, friend or relative of a direct participant in an Event.
By entering into a legal relationship with the business, its servants or agents, the customer agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Legal relationship includes but is not limited to making a booking, making a payment or participating in an event organised by the business.
The business reserves the right to alter these Terms and Conditions, the services it offers and its pricing policy at any time without further notice.
Indemnity and waiver of rights
Property Damage and loss suffered by the business, its servants and agents:
If a customer or driver under the age of 18 causes property damage* to one or more of the business’s cars, the customer is to pay an amount not greater than the insured value of the business’s cars so damaged plus the full costs of associated tow truck services.
If a customer causes property damage* to any property of the business, its servants or agents or the property of the venue owner, the customer is to pay full equivalent replacement or repair costs.
The customer is to pay all or any legal costs, fees and disbursements incurred by the business, its servants and agents or the venue owner as a result of its enforcement of any legal action taken under this Agreement against the customer.
*Property damage as it relates to cars includes but is not limited to mechanical repairs, bodywork and tyre damage, for example, from tyres locking up. Property damage also includes but is not limited to tyre walls and Armco fencing.
Voluntary Assumption of Risk
The customer understands and accepts the nature and extent of the inherent risks involved in motor sport including the possibility of death, bodily injury, loss and property damage.
In the event of death, personal injury and/or any other loss suffered, the customer waives all claims for damages and holds the business harmless and unconditionally releases the business, its officers, employees or agents from all legal liability to the full extent permitted by law.
By participating in an Event, the customer hereby declares himself or herself free of any physical or mental disability, disease or condition which could affect his/her safe participation as a driver or passenger in any of the business’s Events.
Responsibility to follow Instructions
The customer understands and accepts his/her responsibility to follow the business’s instructions on the basis that failure to do so may cause an accident.
The customer undertakes to listen to and follow, to the best of his/her ability, all or any instructions from the business’s officers, employees or agents.
The customer accepts that any failure to follow instructions or any attempt to drive in a reckless, negligent or irresponsible manner will result in the customer being escorted from the circuit and forfeiture of the balance (if any) of the booked Event.
By making a booking or otherwise arranging for the participation of a minor under eighteen (18) years of age in an Event, the customer accepts that he/she is acting as guardian of that minor for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions.
As guardian, the customer freely consents to the participation of the minor in an Event and freely waives all rights and accepts all obligations and risks as outlined under these Terms and Conditions in respect of the minor as if that minor was an adult customer.
In consideration of the minor being accepted for participation in an Event, the customer agrees to fully and freely indemnify the business, its officers, employees and agents in the same manner and to the same effect as if the minor was an adult.
Fees, bookings and other procedures
The business requires full payment within one calendar month prior to a booked Event. (Does not apply to Hyundai N Festival Event)
The business accepts online payment in a secure environment powered by Rezdy. Payment via our website must be made in full at the time of booking.
All payments received by the business directly, by phone or via its website include GST.
Payments are non-refundable within 14 days of a booked date. Part or total refunds on cancellations with less than 14 days’ notice may be made at the discretion of the business.
A Customer may re-book a different date by giving notice to the business no less than 14 days before the booked date. (Does not apply to Hyundai N Festival Event)
If any booking is made within 14 days of a booked date, full payment must be made and no date changes are permitted.
A Customer may cancel a booking and receive a full refund less $100 cancellation fee by notifying the business no less than 14 days before the booked Event. (Does not apply to Hyundai N Festival Event)
The business does not guarantee scheduled Event dates. The Customer acknowledges that the business may need to cancel Events due to unsuitable track conditions, unsuitable weather conditions, technical problems or other Events beyond the business’s reasonable control.
Under no circumstances will the business be liable for any consequential losses which a customer may incur as a result of an Event being delayed or rescheduled
During an Event, if any race car is damaged such that it is not safe to use, every reasonable effort will be made to provide a backup car however the business does not guarantee the provision of a replacement car.
Attendance Policy
The customer agrees to arrive in time for the full briefing session or forfeit all legal rights to participate in the Event in which they have been booked.
The Customer agrees to fully assist the business in its obligations under Occupational Health and Safety legislation by not arriving late or missing any portion of the Event briefing.
The customer agrees to wear closed in ankle height driving shoes (preferably sneakers), socks, long pants and long sleeve shirt (No heels, No work boots, No Thongs) before they will be allowed to participate in an Event.
The customer agrees that they may be refused entry, be requested to leave the grounds, or if necessary, be physically restrained or removed if, in the reasonable opinion of The business, the customer is in breach of these Terms and Conditions, under the influence of alcohol or drugs or, for any reason, causing a disturbance or threatens the safety of the landholders and their employees, guests, participants, staff or any property of the business, its servants or agents or the venue owner in any way.
For the purposes of blood/alcohol analysis, the Customer agrees to have zero blood alcohol concentration and may be subjected to a breathalyser test. A strict zero drug and alcohol policy for driver customers will be enforced by the business.
It is the customer’s responsibility to arrive on time and to make reasonable and timely enquiries as to where they should go.
For safety reasons late customers will not be permitted to enter the course or interrupt instructors. Participants who arrive late will forfeit their booking and their payment is non-refundable.
Participant customers must produce a current driver’s license (or learners permit) at all Events. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of that Event.
Dogs or pets of any kind are not permitted.
Non Attendance Policy
If you do not attend your scheduled Event without notice your payment will not be refunded.
The customer undertakes to advise the business’s personnel of any medical condition and/or allergies that could affect the Customer’s ability to participate in any Event.
If, prior to the Event, the customer develops a condition/allergy which is such that it could be a safety risk to the customer and other participants, the customer must notify the business and provide a detailed medical certificate in order to receive a refund at the discretion of the business.
The customer agrees that, in the absence of a medical condition, he or she will attend the session that has been booked in the customer’s name. By not attending an Event on the scheduled date and time the customer agrees that he or she will be forfeiting the right to attend that, or any other replacement Event.
Communicable Disease Inclusion
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this policy, this policy does not cover all actual or alleged loss, liability, damage, compensation, injury, sickness, disease, death, medical payment, defence cost, cost, expense or any other amount, directly or indirectly and regardless of any other cause contributing concurrently or in any sequence, originating from, caused by, arising out of, contributed to by, resulting from, or otherwise in connection with a Communicable Disease or the fear or threat (whether actual or perceived) of a Communicable Disease.
For the purposes of this endorsement, loss, liability, damage, compensation, injury, sickness, disease, death, medical payment, defence cost, cost, expense or any other amount, includes, but is not limited to, any cost to clean-up, detoxify, remove, monitor or test for a Communicable Disease.
As used herein, a Communicable Disease means any disease which can be transmitted by means of any substance or agent from any organism to another organism where:
The substance or agent includes, but is not limited to, a virus, bacterium, parasite or other organism or any variation thereof, whether deemed living or not, and
The method of transmission, whether direct or indirect, includes but is not limited to, airborne transmission, bodily fluid transmission, transmission from or to any surface or object, solid, liquid or gas or between organisms, and
The disease, substance or agent can cause or threaten bodily injury, illness, emotional distress, damage to human health, human welfare or property damage.
Observed Licence Tests (if applicable)
Booking and participating in an observed licence test in no way guarantees success or compels the business to issue an OLT.
Candidates for an OLT must pass this test before being issued with an OLT by the business.
While The business does not guarantee success at an OLT, the business recommends one on one training and plenty of practice prior to sitting the OLT.
Gift Vouchers Policy
Gift Vouchers are non-refundable.
Gift Vouchers are transferable to another person.
The business reserves the right to discontinue the sale of any Event purchased on a gift voucher. Re-issue of an equal-value gift voucher or full refund applies at the discretion of the business.
Gift Vouchers are valid for 3 years from the date of purchase. The business carries no responsibility to honour the Gift Voucher once the expiry date has passed.
To redeem your Gift Voucher, you will need to make an online booking and enter your booking code. By so making a booking, you become a Customer of the business and agree to be bound by these Terms and Condition.
Gift Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash and cannot be used in the purchase of another gift voucher.
If your gift voucher is still valid, the business will, upon request, extend the life of the gift voucher for an additional 3 months beyond expiry. This one-off extension carries an administration fee of $100.
Complaints Policy
If you have an issue of any kind relating to your experience with the business please bring it to the attention of the business on the day of the event as we are better positioned to take action as required.
The business uses third parties as agents in the supply of our products and services. The business payment gateway is powered by Rezdy. It is recommended that you contact the business for a list of agents and read their terms and conditions and privacy policies with regard to payment and personal information issues.
Law and Territory
The above Terms and Conditions are for use within Australia and under NSW state law.
AASA Terms & Conditions
I/We have read and understood the Supplementary Regulations issued for this Meeting and agree to be bound by them and by the National Competition Rules of the Australian Auto-Sport Alliance Pty. Ltd. (AASA).
I/We also acknowledge and agree that neither Australian Auto-Sport Alliance Pty. Ltd., nor the owners of the track, nor the sponsor organisations, nor the land owners or lessees, nor the organisers of the race meeting/event, nor their respective servants, officials, representatives or agents (all of whom shall collectively be called "the Organisers"), shall be under any liability for my death, or any bodily injury, loss or damage which may be sustained or incurred by me, as a result of participation in or being present at the event, except in regard to any rights I may have arising under the Trade Practices Act 1974.
I/We acknowledge that motor sport is dangerous and accidents causing death, bodily injury, disability and property damage can, and do, happen.
I/We accept the conditions of, and acknowledge the risks arising from, attending or participating in the event and being provided with the event services by AASA and the Associated Entities.
An AASA Event Permit is provided for an AASA sanctioned event for which AASA has agreed in writing to sanction, in an applicable, fully executed Event Permit that is in effect at the time of the event and that has not been cancelled or rescinded by AASA or by the permit holder. This sanctioning provides the Organiser(s), Officials and Participants of the AASA sanctioned event with public liability and personal injury cover as outlined in the insurance summary found at All events sanctioned by AASA will be run under the provisions of the AASA National Competition Rules, unless specifically varied with AASA approval, and any Supplementary Regulations issued for the event. To be eligible for an AASA sanction for an event or series of events, a promoter must submit a fully executed Application for an Event Permit on the appropriate online form provided by AASA. An AASA sanction is issued only by AASA Head Office after approval by AASA.
1.INTERPRETATION “Seller” or “AASA” means Australian Auto-Sport Alliance Pty Ltd, their successors and assigns. “Buyer” means the person or club/company/promoter placing an application with AASA for the provision of event sanctioning in the form of a permit. “Conditions” or “these conditions” means these Conditions for Provision of an Event Permit and any other Conditions of Sale by which the Seller has supplied goodsto the buyer. “Goods” means all goods, merchandise and services including permits supplied by Seller to Buyer or as Buyer may direct. “Permit” means the document provided by AASA to the Buyer agreeing to sanction an event. “Event” means a competitive or practice motorsport event
2.ALTERATION OF CONDITIONS These Conditions shall apply to all applications for event permits placed by Buyer with AASA to the exclusion of all other terms or conditions unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. If the terms of the Buyer’s order are inconsistent with these Conditions the delivery of the goods to Buyer or as Buyer directs shall constitute an offer by Seller to sell the goods to Buyer pursuant to these conditions which offer Buyer shall be deemed to accept by taking delivery of the goods.
3.SELLER MAY DECLINE APPLICATION Seller reserves the right to accept in whole or in part any application, or decline an application.
4.GST All prices quoted are in AUD and inclusive of the applicable GST rate, which will be detailed on the tax invoice.
5.QUOTATIONS All proposals/quotations are effective for 30 days from stated date.
6.PAYMENT/SETTLEMENT TERMS Payment for the permit shall be made by Buyer to Seller at least 7 days prior to the date of the event. Invoiced amounts which have not been paid aforesaid may attract an interest charge at the rate for the time being charged by the Seller’s Bank to its customers on overdrafts in excess of $100 000 from the date when such payment fell due until paid and notwithstanding any agreement for extension of time for payment. Where payments are overdue Seller may at its option either cancel uncompleted contracts or orders forthwith or suspend delivery of goods yet to be delivered and Buyer shall not be entitled to raise any claim for damages, loss or other form of liability arising from such cancellation or suspension.
7. URGENT APPLICATION: Where a permit application is submitted within 7 days of the proposed event, AASA may at its discretion apply an urgent application fee being 30% of the standard permit fee.
8. CANCELLATION POLICY: Where a permit application is cancelled or postponed by the promoter or organiser of within 28 days but more than 7 days prior to the planned event, a cancellation fee of $50.00 inc. GST will apply. Where a permit application is cancelled or postponed by the promoter or organiser within 7 days prior to the planned event, a cancellation fee of $150.00 inc. GST will be charged to the Buyer by AASA. Where a permit is cancelled post event for reasons other than force majeure, a cancellation fee of $200.00 inc. GST shall apply.
9. EXCESS LIABILITY: Any incidents that result in a claim being made under the AASA Event Permit scheme can attract an excess amount of up to $5,000.00. The event organisers and/or promoters may be liable for part or all of the excess amount. Excesses can be waived by payment of an excess removal fee, if required by the organisers and/or promoters. Please refer to the current price list for further detail.
10. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY Although safety generally is everyone’s concern, by virtue of its limited role in the conduct of an event, AASA cannot be and will not be responsible for any aspects of the safety effort. That responsibility instead rests with the Event Organisers and various participants and officials of the Event(s).
11. OFFICIALS: All officials attending an AASA sanctioned event must ensure that they attend the officials’ briefing and sign on at the commencement of the event in order to receive the benefits provided under the permit in the event of an incident. It is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to ensure that all officials hold the appropriate officials licence and/or an appropriate level of experience.
12. MEDICAL PERSONNEL: It is the responsibility of the event organisers to ensure that all medical personnel hold suitable qualifications for their role at an event.
13. LICENCING REQUIREMENTS: The event organisers and their nominated officials are responsible for ensuring that all participants and officials hold a current, valid licence of a level appropriate to the natur of the event. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in voidance of the permit in the event of an incident. In such circumstances, the Buyer is not entitled to a refund of the permit fee.
14. INCIDENT REPORTING: All incidents in which an event attendee is removed from the venue by civil ambulance must be reported to AASA immediately on 03 5721 7800. The incident report kit provided by AASA must be completed for all incidents and returned along with other post event documents.
15. POST EVENT DOCUMENTATION: It is the responsibility of the event organiser(s), and a requirement of the issuance of a permit, to return all requested documentation to AASA Head Office within seven days of the conclusion of an event. Failure to provide this documentation may result in an administrative fee being incurred by the promoter or organiser, or a hold on future permits being issued, until the required documentation is returned in full.
16. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERS: The Seller submits its proposal/quotation and the buyer applies for an Event Permit subject to the following rights reserved by AASA:- a) Price Variations. The Seller shall be entitled to vary the prices quoted in the event of: i) Fluctuations in the value of the Australian Dollar or changes in the rates of taxes and duties affecting the costs of supplying the goods between the date this quotation was submitted to the buyer and the date of issue of the permit. ii) Request by the buyer for a variation to the permit. b) Corrections of errors or omissions on invoices and credit notes, if applicable; and c) Recision of this agreement in the event of the non-validity of the application for an event permit.
17. LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES: The Seller shall not be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever including loss of profits and consequential loss or any third-party claims from the buyer arising from any delay or failure to supply the goods described on the face hereof.
This document forms a deed poll in favour of Hyundai Motor Company Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 58 008 995 588) (Hyundai) to participate in an event managed by Connect PR (event organiser) on behalf of Hyundai. By signing this document, you agree to the terms set out below including to exclude or limit your rights to make any claim against Hyundai and the event organiser, and you agree to accept the risks of the event and activity which are obvious and inherent or otherwise drawn to your attention by the event organiser or which you ought to reasonably be aware, to accept responsibility for your actions during the event and activity, and that you agree to abide by all rules and regulations given by the event organiser both within this document and verbally on the event day.
I agree and acknowledge as follows:
- I elect to participate in the Hyundai Driving Experience in the full understanding that motor vehicle events of this nature can be dangerous, and that accidents causing harm can and do happen, and may happen to me.
- I am:
- over 18 years of age, the details of which are correctly recorded above;
- or
- under 18 years of age, and my parent/guardian has consented.
- I do not have a medical condition and I am not taking any medication that would impair my faculties or otherwise affect my ability to safely control a motor vehicle.
- I am not under the influence of any drug or intoxicating liquor while driving a motor vehicle in conjunction with the Hyundai Driving Experience.
- I understand that the Hyundai Event may be conducted on public roads or on a closed circuit track under the supervision of an experienced driving instructor. I will immediately respond to all instructions given to me by the instructor, the event organiser or officials whilst I am driving a motor vehicle as part of my participation in the Hyundai Event.
- If driving on public roads, I understand that compliance with the road rules is my sole responsibility while I am driving a motor vehicle as part of the Hyundai Event.
- I understand that compliance with the track rules is my sole responsibility while I am driving a motor vehicle as part of the Hyundai Driving Experience.
- In the event that I am involved in an accident during the Hyundai Driving Experience, I will submit to a breath test and/or blood test to determine the percentage of alcohol and/or drugs in my body when requested to do so.
- I will provide whatever assistance is required by Hyundai and its insurers in relation to any legal action or claim that may be taken against it or that it may make against its insurers or any third parties with respect to any accident that I am involved in during the Hyundai Driving Experience.
- To the maximum extent permitted by law, Hyundai is excluded from any and all liability for any damage or injury suffered by me in connection with my participation in the Hyundai Driving Experience.
- I agree to hold harmless and to continuously indemnify Hyundai, the event organiser and its agents against any and all losses (including consequential losses), costs, expenses, damages or claims (including claims of negligence) which may be suffered or incurred by or made against Hyundai, the event organiser or its agents in connection with my participation in the Hyundai Driving Experience.
- I agree to Hyundai or its nominees using any photography or videography captured at the Hyundai Driving Experience that I may feature in for in any medium or manner it may decide for an indefinite period.
- I consent to Hyundai collecting personal information about me which I have disclosed on this document and using that information in accordance with its Privacy Policy. I acknowledge that the Hyundai Driving Experience is a marketing event and that Hyundai may continue to use my personal details for direct marketing purposes, until such time as I opt out of such direct marketing.
An AASA Event Permit is provided for an AASA sanctioned event for which AASA has agreed in writing to sanction, in an applicable, fully executed Event Permit that is in effect at the time of the event and that has not been cancelled or rescinded by AASA or by the permit holder. This sanctioning provides the Organiser(s), Officials and Participants of the AASA sanctioned event with public liability and personal injury cover as outlined in the insurance summary found at All events sanctioned by AASA will be run under the provisions of the AASA National Competition Rules, unless specifically varied with AASA approval, and any Supplementary Regulations issued for the event. To be eligible for an AASA sanction for an event or series of events, a promoter must submit a fully executed Application for an Event Permit on the appropriate online form provided by AASA. An AASA sanction is issued only by AASA Head Office after approval by AASA.
1.INTERPRETATION “Seller” or “AASA” means Australian Auto-Sport Alliance Pty Ltd, their successors and assigns. “Buyer” means the person or club/company/promoter placing an application with AASA for the provision of event sanctioning in the form of a permit. “Conditions” or “these conditions” means these Conditions for Provision of an Event Permit and any other Conditions of Sale by which the Seller has supplied goodsto the buyer. “Goods” means all goods, merchandise and services including permits supplied by Seller to Buyer or as Buyer may direct. “Permit” means the document provided by AASA to the Buyer agreeing to sanction an event. “Event” means a competitive or practice motorsport event
2.ALTERATION OF CONDITIONS These Conditions shall apply to all applications for event permits placed by Buyer with AASA to the exclusion of all other terms or conditions unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. If the terms of the Buyer’s order are inconsistent with these Conditions the delivery of the goods to Buyer or as Buyer directs shall constitute an offer by Seller to sell the goods to Buyer pursuant to these conditions which offer Buyer shall be deemed to accept by taking delivery of the goods.
3.SELLER MAY DECLINE APPLICATION Seller reserves the right to accept in whole or in part any application, or decline an application.
4.GST All prices quoted are in AUD and inclusive of the applicable GST rate, which will be detailed on the tax invoice.
5.QUOTATIONS All proposals/quotations are effective for 30 days from stated date.
6.PAYMENT/SETTLEMENT TERMS Payment for the permit shall be made by Buyer to Seller at least 7 days prior to the date of the event. Invoiced amounts which have not been paid aforesaid may attract an interest charge at the rate for the time being charged by the Seller’s Bank to its customers on overdrafts in excess of $100 000 from the date when such payment fell due until paid and notwithstanding any agreement for extension of time for payment. Where payments are overdue Seller may at its option either cancel uncompleted contracts or orders forthwith or suspend delivery of goods yet to be delivered and Buyer shall not be entitled to raise any claim for damages, loss or other form of liability arising from such cancellation or suspension.
7. URGENT APPLICATION: Where a permit application is submitted within 7 days of the proposed event, AASA may at its discretion apply an urgent application fee being 30% of the standard permit fee.
8. CANCELLATION POLICY: Where a permit application is cancelled or postponed by the promoter or organiser of within 28 days but more than 7 days prior to the planned event, a cancellation fee of $50.00 inc. GST will apply. Where a permit application is cancelled or postponed by the promoter or organiser within 7 days prior to the planned event, a cancellation fee of $150.00 inc. GST will be charged to the Buyer by AASA. Where a permit is cancelled post event for reasons other than force majeure, a cancellation fee of $200.00 inc. GST shall apply.
9. EXCESS LIABILITY: Any incidents that result in a claim being made under the AASA Event Permit scheme can attract an excess amount of up to $5,000.00. The event organisers and/or promoters may be liable for part or all of the excess amount. Excesses can be waived by payment of an excess removal fee, if required by the organisers and/or promoters. Please refer to the current price list for further detail.
10. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY Although safety generally is everyone’s concern, by virtue of its limited role in the conduct of an event, AASA cannot be and will not be responsible for any aspects of the safety effort. That responsibility instead rests with the Event Organisers and various participants and officials of the Event(s).
11. OFFICIALS: All officials attending an AASA sanctioned event must ensure that they attend the officials’ briefing and sign on at the commencement of the event in order to receive the benefits provided under the permit in the event of an incident. It is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to ensure that all officials hold the appropriate officials licence and/or an appropriate level of experience.
12. MEDICAL PERSONNEL: It is the responsibility of the event organisers to ensure that all medical personnel hold suitable qualifications for their role at an event.
13. LICENCING REQUIREMENTS: The event organisers and their nominated officials are responsible for ensuring that all participants and officials hold a current, valid licence of a level appropriate to the natur of the event. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in voidance of the permit in the event of an incident. In such circumstances, the Buyer is not entitled to a refund of the permit fee.
14. INCIDENT REPORTING: All incidents in which an event attendee is removed from the venue by civil ambulance must be reported to AASA immediately on 03 5721 7800. The incident report kit provided by AASA must be completed for all incidents and returned along with other post event documents.
15. POST EVENT DOCUMENTATION: It is the responsibility of the event organiser(s), and a requirement of the issuance of a permit, to return all requested documentation to AASA Head Office within seven days of the conclusion of an event. Failure to provide this documentation may result in an administrative fee being incurred by the promoter or organiser, or a hold on future permits being issued, until the required documentation is returned in full.
16. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERS: The Seller submits its proposal/quotation and the buyer applies for an Event Permit subject to the following rights reserved by AASA:- a) Price Variations. The Seller shall be entitled to vary the prices quoted in the event of: i) Fluctuations in the value of the Australian Dollar or changes in the rates of taxes and duties affecting the costs of supplying the goods between the date this quotation was submitted to the buyer and the date of issue of the permit. ii) Request by the buyer for a variation to the permit. b) Corrections of errors or omissions on invoices and credit notes, if applicable; and c) Recision of this agreement in the event of the non-validity of the application for an event permit.
17. LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES: The Seller shall not be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever including loss of profits and consequential loss or any third-party claims from the buyer arising from any delay or failure to supply the goods described on the face hereof.